Indice della
Letteratura Italiana di Scienze Infermieristiche

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Progetto realizzato e curato dall’Ordine delle Professioni Infermieristiche di Roma

Risorse di WIKINDX

Ferguson Stephanie L. Nurses: advocating, leading, caring! Professioni infermieristiche 2013;66(3):188–190. 
Added by: Tania Diottasi (19/02/2014 11:10:04)   Last edited by: Tania Diottasi (19/02/2014 11:10:47)
Tipo di Risorsa: Articolo di Rivista
Chiave di citazione BibTeX: Ferguson2013a
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Categorie: Gruppi occupazionali
Sottocategorie: Infermieri
Autori: Ferguson
Collezione: Professioni infermieristiche
Visualizzazioni: 1/1150
Indice di Visite: 17%
Indice di Popolarità: 4.25%
(Trascritto dall'articolo).
This speech was delivered on 27 october at the 2012 Conference and general meeting of the italian nurses association Consociazione nazionale delle associazioni infermiere/i (CNAI) held in Rome from 25 to 27 october 2012. the theme of the conference was”No nurses no future”. The “No nurses no future” is a national campaign developed by the nurses of the italian nurses association to fight for the rights of the profession to sustain not only the practice of the nurse, strong nursing education, research and regulation, but more importantly to ensure that in the future there will be enough nurses in the healthcare workforce to advocate, lead and care for the citizen of Italy. Italian nurses took advantage of the presence of prof. Ferguson and, before travelling to Rome, the region Lombardy IPASVI colleges (coordinamento dei collegi IPASVI della regione Lombardia) invited her to talk on the same topic during a jointed conference with CNAI at circolo della stampa of Milan on 23rd october.
Added by: Tania Diottasi  Last edited by: Tania Diottasi